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Join a monthly Saturday make & bake. We cook goodies have a chat and it's all in a private Facebook group.

  •  One Saturday a month we bake at 4pm, so the day to yourself and come home ready to cook!

  • 3x a year...Christmas, Easter and the Summer you will get some Bun post! Goodies to use in the kitchen!

  • If you have a bake you want to do, I will always take a look and most of the time make it ones of our bakes.

  • Miss a week you can catch up anytime you want.

  • Open to all ages, the children grow in confidence in using equipment in their kitchen and you get tasty goodies...

  • There are over 70 recipes in there already to choose from!

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Mobile 07870 727007

All rights reserved Mrs Bun the Baker® ©2022. Website design Mrs Bun the Baker® ©2014 - 2024.

Mrs Bun the Baker® People Ident logo and Egg Person designed by  E and P Design. All text, images and intellectual © Mrs Bun the Baker® (trading name of Mrs A. Johnson) under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. 

Registered trade marks series Mrs Bun the Baker and MrsBuntheBaker IPO Feb 2016. 

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